
Posts By Ampersand World

Latest Posts | By Ampersand World
How to Use Tests to Evaluate Your Future Employees
10 years ago

How to Use Tests to Evaluate Your Future Employees

According to fundamental HR principles, the role of the test was to serve as a last resort when a recruiter could not make up his or her mind …
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5 Tips to Make Your Recruitment Experience Meaningful
10 years ago

5 Tips to Make Your Recruitment Experience Meaningful

But let’s not panic! There is still time to change things so that the “experience” you will propose to people is and remains a good memory! Here are …
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How to Cultivate Differences in Your Teams
11 years ago

How to Cultivate Differences in Your Teams

Some of you can probably already see where I’m coming from, so let’s not waste any time: how about cloning our best company players? For this, the perfect …
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Could we Reconcile Job Titles and Content?
11 years ago

Could we Reconcile Job Titles and Content?

HR Directors are, in the eyes of us recruiters, somewhat privileged. Take the term “placement agency”. If by “agency” one means an intermediary in the service sector (as …
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