

More authentic. More ethical. More efficient. Management is changing…
3 years ago

More authentic. More ethical. More efficient. Management is changing…

Summer is here, offering an opportunity to take stock of the last few months of adaptation, agility and changes – accepted less willingly by some than by others.
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Des webinaires en format “Think-Tank”
3 years ago

Des webinaires en format “Think-Tank”

Des webinaires en format “Think-Tank”​ sur nos métiers actuels, ceux du futur mais aussi sur le leadership, la motivation ou la performance…
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Pourquoi le management bienveillant est un booster de performances ?
3 years ago

Pourquoi le management bienveillant est un booster de performances ?

Depuis 10 ans je cultive le management bienveillant qui pour moi est un accélérateur de la performance !
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An Interview with Patricia Solioz Mathys, Executive Director Smart City at SIG
5 years ago

An Interview with Patricia Solioz Mathys, Executive Director Smart City at SIG

Penda introduces you to Patricia Solioz, whose talent is remarkable. She is part of the SIG executive committee with 400 people under her responsibility.
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